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Open link. (Greentown)

Open link. (Greentown)
Open link. (Spin-naker)
Click the zoom (+) several times to see the wind direction on the lake.Some browsers may not display the items below.
Nearby Webcams

Open link. (Greentown)

Open link. (Greentown)

Open link. (Spin-naker)
Rain and Cloud Radar

View detailed snow forecast for Kurohime Kogen at:
- Nojiri Weather Links
- Other Shinanomachi Weather Links:
- If a typhoon is coming, you can check out Asahi Shimbun's Typhoon Information.
- If you felt an earthquake, you can find information at
- Here is a weather link that shows the amount of accumulation throughout the day. 長野県:信濃町のアメダス:天気予報コム
- The 日本道路交通情報センター:JARTIC website helps you find out about road conditions. It's in Japanese. (HINT: Click the map, then mouse-over the areas you are interested in.)
- Japan Meteorological Agency's Warnings and Advisories
- Weather Warnings/Advisories: Nagano
- 気象警報・注意報 : 信濃町 (The Japanese page is focused on Shinanomachi.)